We have a system inside of us that is always there to take care of us.

Acupuncture stimulates the body to produce its own medicines. Researchers around the world have been discovering that acupuncture can cause the body to produce a wide variety of natural endogenous substances,  including those that reduce inflammations, enhance immune function, balance hormones, and produce feelings of well being as endorphins stream through the blood and organs. Traditional indigenous medicines like those from Asia do work in important ways and modern medicines have been developed from studying herbs. Science is also revealing how physical methods of treatment, original medicine, works. Acupuncture, for example, effects the brain, the nervous system, the connective tissue and cells creating chemical and mechanical signals throughout the body and close to what the ancients actually described. 

The skin is the border to your country. When the skin is wounded or broken the body sends out troops. First, a blood clotting factor is released so that you don’t bleed out.  Then a knitting factor is released to bring the skin back together again. Some white blood cells are sent to the area to make sure infection doesn’t spread into the body. Then there is an increase in the production of cells to form new skin—this is called a scab or scar tissue.

An analgesic is released to reduce pain and prevent shock.  After a day you will have a small thin scab. In a couple of days the scab is thicker and after a week or so it goes away leaving nice normal tissue. This all takes place automatically. 

Acupuncture taps into this self-regulating, "taking care of us" system and marshals it into action for you. It does this by stimulating a system of energetic path ways known as channels or meridians. There are 12of these pathways that, on the body’s surface, traverse the arms, legs and torso and also move to the interior to communicate with the internal organs. These meridians connect every tissue of the body.  Along the meridians are places that can be touched, needled and warmed to instigate change and benefit health. These are the acupuncture points. I tend to think of these as spheres of influence.

What does Acupuncture feel like? There are 5 possible sensations a patient may experience when being needled.  When the needle is first inserted there may be a slight prick like plucking a hair.  Then there may be a tingling or numbing sensation.  Some times it will shoot like electricity or the feeling of when the funny bone is hit.  On occasion there is a heavy or aching sensation. In the 24-48 hours following acupuncture, there may be little twitches or tingling indicating that the treatment is still affecting them .

Acupuncture works by restoring and harmonizing the self-regulating mechanisms of the channel system. Acupuncture stimulates the body to produce its own medicines. Researchers around the world have been discovering that acupuncture can cause the body to produce a wide variety of natural endogenous substances ,including those that reduce inflammation, enhance immune function, balance hormones, and produce feelings of well being as endorphins stream through the blood and organs.  However, this self-regulating system can only be maintained by the patient, through proper diet,  sufficient sleep, lifestyle activity, emotional work, qi gong/yoga and herbal medicine, and through nourishing life practices, depending on the case.